ohhhhhh! :: Thursday, April 19, 2012
SOOOOO.... the weather around here has been so spastic lately, I've been having the hardest time getting myself in the mood to put ANY effort into how I look!! One day it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Then the next, it's like the dead of winter and it's AWFUL! So, I never know how to dress when I get up in the morning...
Long story short, I've been dressing like a hobo lately... and as much as we all love hobo-chic, I opted not to take any pictures during those days @_@
But, here are a couple snaps from the days I didn't look absolutely hobo-tastic.

I just don't wear all that much makeup on regular work days. Some days lately, I haven't been putting makeup on at all.
I have had a chance to play with my nails a little though. So, a couple tries at those.

This one was a take on ice cream! lol. It was mint choco-chip with strawberry syrup...

and these were a conglomeration of a couple different nail sets I'd been eyeing lately.
I've also been cooking like crazy lately! I fell HARD off my diet and gained some of the weight I worked so hard to lose.. So, I've been trying to cook more to help get the weight off. I think most of my problem is that there are a of tasty but awful for me snacks around the house right now. I am a complete SUCKER for Cool Ranch Doritos (some of you probably have never heard of those xD). And, I've been steadily working my way through a HUGE bag of them for a couple weeks now. Once they're done, I think I might be able to regain my will-power. To try to counteract the doritios... I've been going to the gym daily. Hopefully I'll be seeing some more progress soonnnn!
Anyway, FOOD...

Kimchee Rice soup

Chicken Kimchee Renkon (lotus root) ramen.

Renkon and Mushroom saute over rice.
And, finally, earlier this week I was actually in the mood to not look like I lived under a bridge!! (Going out helps!)

Now that the weather is starting to warm up for real, I'm probably going to start dressing a bit better daily. Also, another thing that is going to help is my BEST friend just got back from his tour in Afghanistan! (THANK GOD!!!!) so I'm going to have a lot more fun things to do!!!!!! So excited!!!!
OH! one last thing... in the last 2 weeks, I've had a ridiculous amount of people tell me I look JUST like Jennifer Love Hewitt from The Client List. My Grandpa even stopped me on Easter to tell me, and then announced it to the whole family.... I was like "Grandpa! You shouldn't be watching a show like that anyway!!"
Now, honestly, I haven't seen the tv show at all... and she is really gorgeous (I don't really think we look that similar, either) but I'm not sure if I should be flattered.... or offended to be noticed because I look like a character that is more or less a prostitute!!!!
Anyway, that's all for now. Hoping to be putting some more entries together, so see you soon! :)
posted by l0ckheart @ 2:07 PM
Dear Rachel,
I'm telling you this because I love you & your represention in my Johnny's conglomerate. :]
Renkon, not rinkon.
Love, JohnnyPixieJohnny
BTW, I love the last outfit! You look great in it!
great blog!!!
let's follow each other?http://fashionshores.blogspot.com
super cute nail <3<3, I love your last outfit!! hahahha, btw I love cooking too and I gained weight too lately :(
Pixie: represention or representation? lol!! And THANK YOU! <3
Victoria: Thank you :)
Cominica: Thank you! I hate gaining weight! It is like the lamest thing EVER!
I'm having major problems with disqus right now, and many of my comments are not showing up... SO, feel free to comment, but it might take a little while for me to comment back to you.
Hopefully I'll be able to fix the problem shortly!!
represention or representation? lol!!
<3 U Johnny Pixie!
Thank you! I hate gaining weight! It is like the lamest thing EVER!
Ooooo~~♥♥♥ I love your new header!! You look insanely pretty!! *___* ♥♥♥ Haha, the weather has been HORRIBLE here in Finland, so I have had some hard time myself to look even like a person XDD Ahhaha~~ Gaaah~~ I've been away from blogger so now I have to check all your previous posts that I've missed~~ !! ♥♥
♥♥♥!! Thank you!!
I've been away for ages too, so this is the only new entry of mine for AGES! I might get the oomph to update later today, but life is boring!
Is it still snowing in Finland? Some of the pictures I've seen are UNREAL!
Haha XDD Yeah it was still snowing a few weeks ago here! IT WAS AWFUL!! It really shouldn't be snowing anymore, but now it has been getting better and the temperature has been +13°C !! And it doesn't go below 0°C during the nights either anymore!! XDD But it has been raining a lot so the snow is almost gone♥♥♥
Haha, my life has been so boring too~~ nothing to blog about really.. (=__=) But maybe tomorrow I'll take some new pictures of myself and my few new items! ♥♥
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