American Farm Heritage Fair and Harrpy Potter 7 pt.2 :: Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This entry may be incredibly uninteresting for some people :) but I figure it's insight into my life. There will be gal pictures towards the end though, so bare with me and my hillbilly stories!

I had an exceptionally busy Sunday this week. I really didn't have any plans at all until I remembered on Saturday that my Daddy wanted me to go with him to the American Farm Heritage Car show and fair! I had totally forgotten about it!
Shame on me!
And then, my Ma wanted me to go with her to see the final part of Harry Potter, because neither of us had had a chance to see it yet.
So, my lazy Sunday turned into a busy busy one instead.


First off, The American Farm Heritage Fair is a small fair with tractor pulls, tractor shows, a car show, various vendors, and old farm equipment show. My Da wanted us to leave at around 9am to go to the fair. Since I'm not particularly an early riser, that DID NOT happen. He ended up getting up and going with his car to put it in the Car Show, I ended up sitting around the house for a few hours. But, I did eventually make my way to the show. :)

Even though I was only there for a couple hours, it was miserable outside and I sweat like a PIG! ( ´(00)`) It was so gross. And, there was virtually no shade at all. The fair grounds were mostly hard packed dirt and rock, so the heat coming off the ground was almost as bad as the heat from the sun.

I know, you're all thinking 'who in their right mind would want to go to something SO BORING when it was so hot outside?' But, I had a BLAST! I'm really a farm girl at heart so looking at some of the old stuff was a lot of fun for me. Also, I got to spend the day with my Daddy, and that was enough to make it fun.


They had pony rides for the kids... though I don't remember a lot of kids running around. At least the ponies were in the shade.

Weird, I know, but this was the cleanest port-o-potty I have ever been in! It was so amazing I took a picture to remember it by.

Lemon shake-ups and fried fish! Oh fair food = LOVE!

Me in front of one of the coolest tractors EVER! I love these old monsters!! They're steam engine operated and from the late 1800's early 1900's. They can pull anything because they are SO strong. This one is actually a baby one. They didn't have any of the giant ones at this fair, but the biggest ones are twice the size of this one. These tractors are one of my favorite things in the world. OMG! I AM SUCH A HICK!!! and I love it.

Tractor Pull! You see, that's a weight on the back. The farther the tractor goes, the heavier the weight becomes. So, the tractor that can pull the weight the farthest wins. As you can see, this one is at the end of his ability. The weight is so heavy he's popping a wheelie!

My Daddy's car! He won an award, too! My dad restores custom cars, so he built this one from the ground up. Go Pops!
I didn't bother at all getting galed up for going to this. It was too hot!


After the car show, I got home and got ready to go out to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt.2! I've been waiting to see this movie since it came out, but hadn't found the time yet.

Makeup for Harry Potter.

And my co-ord. This dress is ridiculously too big for me now.

I thought the movie was actually really great. It stuck to the story line pretty well, and the action scenes were pretty neat. I could have done with a little more Snape and a little more Draco (my favorite characters) but the Snape memories part was really well touching. Snapers as a little boy was adorable. And, I like that he showed so many emotions. My favorite part of the movie!

I really wanted to take a picture with the giant billboard for the movie (Like EVERYONE HAS DONE!) but there wasn't one anywhere! So I had to settle for this

And, finally, 2 things from the movie that should have been 'on the edge of your seats' parts, but were kinda spoiled for me (because I couldn't stop laughing) were 'Harry Potter, come to die' and at the end, when Draco rejoins the death eaters and Voldy-moldy hugs him....
why were they spoiled you ask?
Because of these.

Giggle fits. That's all I can say.

posted by l0ckheart @ 2:56 AM


At August 4, 2011 at 6:41 AM, Anonymous Sari said...

Awwww so cute that you're proud of being a country gal ~~ ♥♥♥ I think it's awesome ! I'm partial country girl myself (to some, just living in Finland equals as hillbilly ha ha XDDD) since I spent my summers as a kid in my grandma's house, which was in the country ♥♥ I really love it there!! My dad is now renovating the sauna there and he's been thinking about buying a tractor XDDDDD ♥♥ Looking forward to post about that 8DD Anyways, I thought the HP was good too.. here in Finland the premiere was on 13th of July hahaa~~ I went to see it on 14th tho.. I liked it and I cried like a baby XDD ♥♥ My eyelashes were on my cheeks when I left XDDD Ah~~ so long comment, I gotta finish now, huh ♥♥♥

At August 8, 2011 at 12:15 PM, Anonymous l0ckheart said...

 Hahaha! Yeah, I'm really a country girl! I Love saunas, I just went to one this weekend. Your grandmother has one at her house? That's pretty cool.
HP came out on the 15th her (I think) but I just didn't have any time to go and see it. I really enjoyed it TON! I didn't cry, but it was still touching. <3

At August 11, 2011 at 2:46 AM, Anonymous Sari said...

Yeah here in Finland we all have saunas in our homes! XDD Haha~ It's pretty cool since I love to go to sauna ♡♡♡♡


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